“Cómete el mundo” app Naming and branding for the project “¡Cómete el mundo!”. This app was created for promoting healthy… “Cómete el mundo” app
Champion’s kit This is a gift from Hitachi to a VIP client: a trip to the Champion’s Leage… Champion’s kit
Piensa como un Genio Winner concept for a cover book*. The book “Piensa como un Genio” (Think like a Genius)… Piensa como un Genio
Moraleja Cocktails Event at C.C. La Moraleja. All the restaurants participated in a spring promotion named “Moraleja Cocktails”.… Moraleja Cocktails
Ambilamp Teacher’s Kit Ambilamp is a lamp recycling association which has some educational programs. This is a kit for… Ambilamp Teacher’s Kit
Aldesa Golf Championship An invitation card for Aldesa golf championship. When you pull out the card from the right side… Aldesa Golf Championship